Wednesday Flyer 3/6/24
Upcoming Events
3/10 - Hot Lunch Order Deadline for week of 3/18
3/6 - Family Dining Out Night is TONIGHT @ Chipotle from 4-8p
3/7 - No School, Teacher Inservice
3/8 - No School
TONIGHT! Family Dining Night Out at Chipotle
Our MMCA PTA is hosting a family dining out fundraiser (TODAY!) March 6th, 4-8 pm. 33% of event sales will be donated back to MMCA! Join Us!
Middle School Dance
Coming Soon - our 2nd Annual Middle School Dance! This dance would not be possible without our amazing MMCA staff and families. The MMCA PTA has created a sign-up genius. We definitely need all hands on deck to make this event a success!!!
Spring Festival - Save the Date: Sat, April 20th
We are excited for our annual Spring Festival! Before the big day, we need to plan: we will need several items and volunteers to make this event a success. Check out our Sign Up Genius and see if you are able to help!
Robert Ruud and Nathan Morano will be our Watch DOGS on campus next week! Thank you to all of our positive male role models who have participated so far this year!
Yearbook - Final Call for Your Photos!
Our parent-run yearbook volunteers have been working hard to complete another stellar yearbook for our students.
The publishing deadline is in a couple weeks, so please send any pictures that you have taken at events on campus, field trips, athletic games, etc.