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Thursday Flyer - October 27, 2022

Thursday Flyer - October 27, 2022

Upcoming Events:

  • 10/31 @ 11:59 p.m. - ordering deadline for breakfast / lunch for week of 11/7

  • 10/31 - Cultural Day (see article below on ‘what’s Cultural Day’)

  • 11/10 - Free dress day

  • 11/11 - NO SCHOOL (Veteran’s Day)

  • Heads up: the 2023-2024 School Calendar has been approved (linked HERE)

Harvest Festival / Trunk or Treat THANK YOU’s!

CONGRATULATIONS to our winning TRUNK from Trunk or Treat! On behalf of our students and staff, I’d also like to THANK EVERY PARENT VOLUNTEER who helped make this such a fun and successful event for our students. I’d estimate that we had well over 400 people at our Harvest Festival this year, and it was an AWESOME event. Again, big THANK YOU’s to EVERYONE that made this happen!

COVID-19 Update

Cumulative Case count (since 1st day of school): (14)

After 2+ years of having to write ‘COVID updates’ within our Flyer, it had been nice not having to write one during the first two months of our school year. Unfortunately, I need to write one now.

The reality is, COVID-19 is still around, and we’re anticipating that we will have a lot of cases over the next four months. From the start of school to now, we’ve had (14) total cases. Within the last two weeks, we’ve had (9) cases. Rocklin Unified is using the CDC COVID tracker as the basis of what they’re communicating to their families regarding case count - if the CDC tracker for Placer County gets too ‘high’ again, they will start sending ‘group contact COVID notices’ again to their families (for context, Placer County is currently ‘low’ on the CDC COVID tracker). We are going to follow their lead on this. Additionally, with cases rising, I will be updating our case count within our weekly flyers as well.

COVID-19 rapid read antigen tests available

The state has provided us COVID tests for +/- all of our students and staff. If you’d like a COVID test, please feel free to stop by the front office and pick one up.

What is ‘Cultural Day’ on Halloween?

One of our many traditions at MMCA is doing something a little bit different for Halloween. We do not allow traditional Halloween costumes at school. Instead, the students in each of our classrooms do age-appropriate presentations and projects (including costumes) essentially based on an aspect of their grade level’s social studies curriculum. More specific information about your child’s project has been sent home from their teachers.

Student Drop-off / Pick-up Reminder

REMINDER: Student drop-off / pick-up should ONLY occur either along our drop-off curb in front of the school or from a designated parking spot. I’ve seen several examples recently of parents encouraging their kids to walk up along our driveway and get picked up from there - that is NOT safe, please do not do this.

WANTED: More short term teaching substitutes

For short-term teaching substitutes, we are a part of the Placer County Office of Education’s “Substitute Teacher Consortium.” Post COVID, the countywide substitute teacher pool has 500+ FEWER names on it vs. 2019. Information about how to become a short-term substitute teacher in Placer County is available at the PCOE Substitute Teacher Consortium website linked HERE. If you would like to be a short term sub @ MMCA - and we’re always looking for good subs! - please check out the PCOE Substitute Teacher Consortium page.


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