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Thursday Flyer - November 5, 2020

Thursday Flyer 11.5.2020

We’re CHANGING the Schedule (again)

As you know, we’ve extended our hybrid schedule through the weeks of 10/26, 11/2 and 11/9 to make sure the County actually stays 'Orange'. Placer County entered into an ‘adjudication’ week with the state this week - this has kept us in ‘orange’ for one more week. If our numbers don’t improve county-wide by next Tuesday, we’ll be dropped to ‘red’. With where yesterday’s numbers for the county are (‘purple’ for case rate), I am not optimistic the case rate will drop back to ‘orange’ by next Tuesday. Therefore, we are going to be modifying our planned schedule again:

  1. We are going to stay with our ‘hybrid’ schedule through Winter Break

    1. We will continue to offer ‘during school’ child care’

  2. We are going to postpone the P-T Conferences week of 11/16

I am admittedly disappointed we are not returning to a ‘5 day’ schedule yet, but at this point my priority is keeping everyone as safe as possible during the on-going pandemic AND keeping the school physically open, regardless of the color levels.

Video Lesson Attendance during Distance Learning Days

One of the many metrics I’m tracking during COVID is student attendance rates for our remote video based lessons. I’ve noticed a trend that they are going down. We need to reverse this trend. To help prevent learning loss caused by these COVID circumstances, we need kids ACTIVELY attending their remote lessons and doing their classwork on their ‘home’ days. Our lesson schedules are pretty much set with each classroom right now - if you’re not sure when your child’s Zoom-based lessons are, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

Drop-off / Pick-up Reminder during Hybrid

3:20p pick up parents (1st/3rd/6th): If you arrive at school before 3:20p, please park in a designated parking spot. It makes getting through our 3:10p pick up cars much faster!

Hot Lunch

The USDA announced recently that free meals have been extended through the school year (June 2021). MMCA will only receive a reimbursement for meals served, so please pick up your orders (or don’t order them if you know you won’t be able to pick them up). Also, remember to fill out the free or reduced price application form (even the income portion). The application can be found here:

If you’re new to Boonli (our lunch ordering system), instructions for setting up an account can be found on our website under the hot lunch link After you set up your child’s account you will need to email Denise at to change the status from paid to free.

Lunch Recess / ASC Staff

With our extra lunch periods as a part of our COVID mitigation plan, we’re looking for more PT staff to help us out. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact Mr. Baldonade at



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