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Thursday Flyer - November 17, 2022

Thursday Flyer - November 17, 2022

Upcoming Events:

  • 11/21-11/25 - NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)

  • 12/15 - Picture Make-ups/Retakes, 8:45-9:15a

  • 12/10 - SAVE THE DATE! MMCA PTA is hosting “Pajamas and Pancakes” (see flyer below) - RSVP forms will be emailed tomorrow and be available in the front office

  • Heads up: the 2023-2024 School Calendar has been approved (linked HERE)

  • December menus are open for ordering. The order deadline is 11:59pm on the Monday of the prior week.

LifeTouch Pictures update, Retakes DATE CHANGE

After consulting with LifeTouch, who told us that their lab is ‘extremely backed up’ in processing picture orders, we are moving the Lifetouch Picture Retake Day to Thursday, December 15th. We are currently anticipating pictures being available when we come back from Thanksgiving Break.

Session 2 After School Clubs Coming up in January - looking for a few more Club Leaders

Our next round of After School Clubs will be starting in January - sign-ups will start after Thanksgiving Break. So far, we’ve got (2) clubs lined up, and we’d like to get a few more. If you’re interested in possibly leading one of our After School Clubs, please reach out to our Clubs coordinator Ray Baldonade at

Volunteer Log / Tracking???

At MMCA, we have a Parent Volunteer Commitment Policy, whereby we request (40) hours of volunteer time per family, per year. In our Front Office, we have binders with logs where parents can log the volunteer hours they’ve done. It is important to keep a running total of your hours. If you haven’t logged your volunteer hours yet during the school year, please do so. Among many reasons, we track volunteer hours for grant-related opportunities.

Annual Board of Directors Elections Coming up

Each year MMCA seeks parents interested in taking an active role in the governance of the school by serving as a MMCA Board member. A Board member serves a two-year term which fulfills their family’s annual 40-hour volunteer requirement.

The Board of Directors defines the mission of the school and clarifies its philosophy. In conjunction with the Executive Director, the Board establishes the financial, educational, and operational goals of MMCA and ensures that they are achieved annually. The Board may be involved in facility planning, review and approval of legal documents, annual operating budgets, and staffing decisions.

The Application and candidate information packet for the upcoming election is available HERE. If you have any questions about possibly becoming a Board Member, please feel free to contact Board President Chris Ward at or Mr. Boothby at The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, 12/2/22.

COVID-19 Update

Cumulative Case count (since 1st day of school): (16)

Cases within the last week: (0)

COVID-19 rapid read antigen tests available

The state has provided us COVID tests for +/- all of our students and staff. If you’d like a free COVID test, please feel free to stop by the front office and pick one up.

Pajamas & Pancakes!!!

* RSVP forms will be emailed to families tomorrow and will also be available in the front office beginning tomorrow


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