Thursday Flyer, May 9, 2024
Thursday Flyer 5/9/24
Upcoming Events:
Book Fair - May 22-24
Our Spring Book Fair is coming up soon!
For students, it’s one of the most anticipated events of the school year—but we need volunteers
to make it happen. If you’re available to lend a hand at this upcoming event, please sign up here for a quick and easy 30-minute shift or two!
Every purchase at the Fair directly benefits your child and our school - It’s a win-win! Details at our Book Fair Homepage!
PTA Elections for 2024/25 School Year
Did you know the PTA does that?
School Events: We host tons of events like school festivals, parties and dances.
Fundraisers: The PTA raises money for our school!
Projects: We are always raising money for at least one campus project like garden benches, filtered water fountain, smart boards and so much more.
Lending Closet: We have collected and distributed much needed clothes for students in need.
Teacher and Staff Support: We organize teacher and staff luncheons and an amazing teacher and staff appreciation week line up.
We are able to do all of this because of membership and support from people like you.
For more information contact Crystal Schubert at 916-934-9448.
Summer Camp Has Limited Space Available - Early Bird Pricing Ends 5/10!
Who can attend: MMCA Preschool - 4th grade students
Camp Hours:
9:00a - 1:00p Monday through Friday
* Before Care available 7:30a-9:00a and After care available 1:00p - 5:30p
* Before/Aftercare $80/week if paid up front (otherwise billed $6 per hour)
$130/week if registered by May 10th
$160/week if registered by May 31st
$190/week if registered after May 31st
Register here today!
State CAASPP Testing Continues!
Our 3rd graders did great this week! The annual State Testing (CAASPP) continues the next 2 weeks for:
Week of May 13th: Coral, Aqua, & Green
Week of May 20th: Orange, and 5th and 8th grade Science (CAST)
A good test can identify a child's strengths and weaknesses and show where he or she needs extra help. At school, we talk about the purpose and importance of testing. And we practice various test-taking skills such as following directions and using time wisely. There are also some things parents/guardians can do to help your child do better on tests.
Before a Test, Children Need:
a full night's sleep
a good breakfast
comfortable school clothing
a little understanding if they're anxious or upset.
Helpful Tips and Reminders on How to Talk With Your Child About Tests:
Mention that you value tests because they are designed to help children learn better.
Encourage your child to take the test seriously and do as well as possible, but reassure your child that he or she will not be in trouble for items missed.
Never add pressure in the form of threats or rewards attached to test results. Do not make comparisons to siblings.
Emphasize that every child is unique in terms of strengths and learning styles and deserves to be loved for that uniqueness.
Big Day of Giving - BIG THANKS!
Thank you to all of our families who generously donated to the Big Day of Giving benefitting our school garden! We raised $4,819 from 39 donors. This money will help us continue to maintain and grow our garden as well as provide valuable garden docent lessons to all of our students. Please contact Mrs. Thomas as if you are interested in volunteering or being a part of the garden committee. Follow along the garden’s progress here:
Staff Appreciation Week
Thank you to our PTA and our families for all of our thoughtful tokens of appreciation for our staff - we have felt extra special this week and are excited for our catered lunch on Friday!
See all the fun decor and activities organized by our families and students on our parent-run Facebook page: