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Thursday Flyer - May 27, 2021


  • NO SCHOOL MONDAY, 5/31/21 (Memorial Day Holiday)

  • Yearbooks Will Be Distributed 6/1/21

  • 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony, Thursday, 6/3/21 @ 7PM


- Friday is a MINIMUM DAY - 12:00PM DISMISSAL

- Friday will be a FREE DRESS DAY


Yearbooks will be distributed on Tuesday. If you did not pre-order one, there will be a limited amount available for purchase on Wednesday morning. There will be an all-school yearbook signing mid-morning on Wednesday.

Student Laptops Turn in

Over the past 16 months, we checked out over 100 school laptops to students who needed them for distance learning. With it looking like a return to a ‘normal’ school year next year, we need them back! Our student laptop turn in days will be:

Monday, June 7th from 8:30a-12p

Tuesday, June 8th from 8:30a-12p

Wednesday, June 9th from 8:30a-12p

If your child checked out a laptop, please return it during one of these three days.

Student Medications

Please pick up your child's medications on the last day of school. We do not store them over the summer. Also, please plan to have new medication-related paperwork filled out for the next school year by the first day of school.

Summer Camp Update - A few spots left!

Here’s our updated availability:

Week 1 Fairytales: space available

Week 3: Garden and Animals: space available

Week 4: Red, White & Blue: space available

Week 9: Art, Music and Talent: space available

For the other weeks, we are at a ‘waitlist’ status. If you’re wanting your child(ren) to participate, get them signed up ASAP! The updated themes and descriptions, as well as the registration paperwork, are all available on our Summer Camp website at this link:

State Testing Update

I’ve received a couple inquiries regarding state CAASPP testing. The short answer is, given the COVID-19 pandemic, we are not doing them this year, and anticipate that we will be doing them again next year. We will be doing our normal end of year assessments with all the students so that we know where their core skills are at and so we can fill out our detailed standards-based report cards. One of the assessment tools we normally use is called ScootPad. The ScootPad program is ultimately controlled by the same entity that makes the college entrance ACT. ScootPad has a practice CAASPP test for each grade level. History has taught us that this practice test is actually harder than the state’s CAASPP test, and we’ve used this test in the past as a way to help the kids prepare for CAASPP. Even though we are not taking the state’s CAASPP test this year, we are still having our students take the ScootPad practice CAASPP test, as it gives our teaching staff another metric to use in evaluating student performance.



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