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Thursday Flyer May 13, 2021

REMINDER: NO OPEN HOUSE next Wednesday, 5/19, but it is still a MINIMUM DAY (12:00p dismissal)

Return to School COVID-19 Update

Reminder: While we are excited to be back to our “normal” bell schedule, ALL of our COVID-19 Safety Protocols will remain in place. These protocols can be found on our COVID-19 News page: COVID-19 is still prevalent within our community. We need to continue to be diligent, and our weekly reminder about our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student/staff illness and quarantines is available here.

MMCA Garden - Big Day of Giving Update and Garden Workday Coming up!

THANK YOU to all of the families who contributed to our Garden! We raised over $1600 last week! Also, the garden needs your help! In order to restore it for next school year, the MMCA Garden will be hosting a work day on Sunday, May 23 from 9-11am. Click the link and sign-up!

Summer School Update - less than 10 spots left

We have a few spots left in our Summer School program, specifically at 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade. For all other grade levels, applications submitted will go to the waitlist. The registration link for Summer School is HERE.

Summer Camp Update - Spots are filling up fast and we’ve changed a couple of the weekly themes!

With two weeks of registration being open, here’s our updated availability:

Week 1 Fairytales: space available

Week 2: Planes, Boats & Rockets: full

Week 3: Garden & Animals: space available

Week 4: Red, White & Blue: space available

Week 5: Superheroes: full

Week 6: Luau: 3 spots left

Week 7: A Walk Through Seasons: 3 spots left

Week 8: Sports: 2 spots left

Week 9: Art, Music and Talent: space available

If you’re wanting your child(ren) to participate, get them signed up ASAP! The updated themes and descriptions, as well as the registration paperwork, are all available on our Summer Camp website at this link:

Breakfast Orders

We have some students that are not picking up their breakfasts. Please direct your child to go to the MPR first thing when you drop them off if you have ordered breakfast for them. We do not get any reimbursement from the USDA or state if the meal is not served.


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