Thursday Flyer for November 19, 2020

Thursday Flyer 11.19.2020
Reminder: NO SCHOOL next week (Thanksgiving Break)
Parent Communications
If you ever think that you’ve missed communication from the school, whether a Flyer, a parent note, etc., we post all of our all-school communications on our ‘Announcements’ Blog on our website, available at this link:
COVID-19 Update
On Tuesday, we distributed a letter with communication from our school and PCOE regarding our COVID-19 protocols, the Counties’ change in status, and advice from Placer County Public Health regarding the upcoming Holiday Break. That letter is available here. In Tuesday’s note, I had stated that we have had (1) COVID-19 case for a student a couple months ago, and no cases for staff. Well, Murphy’s Law. Yesterday afternoon, we became aware of a non-instructional staff member that had tested positive for COVID-19. While we’re in site-based instruction, when we become aware of a COVID-19 case, we will let all of our families know via one of two generic notes:
A COVID-19 Positive Test - Not a Close Contact notice (which all families received last night); or
A COVID-19 Positive Test - Close Contact notice
In the future, if we determine your child was in ‘close contact’ with a positive case, we would ask your child to quarantine for 14 days and recommend that they get tested.
Contextually, other school districts in the area (Rocklin, Western Placer, Roseville, Dry Creek) have been dealing with around 25 positive cases per week between students / staff. The reality is, we are going to have more COVID cases, and we will deal with them as our protocol specifies. PLEASE be cautious with your choices during Thanksgiving Break - we want to keep school open! Having said that, as we enter the Thanksgiving Break, I am grateful for the perseverance and resilience all of our staff and families have shown the past eight months as we continue to deal with this unprecedented situation. We will get through it, and I hope everyone within our community has a Happy Thanksgiving!
Picture Days Promotions
LIfetouch will be on campus taking student photos on Monday, December 7th and Tuesday, December 8th. See flyer below for pre-ordering instructions. There will not be group photos taken this year due to Covid; the class photo will be a composite of each student’s individual picture printed on one sheet.
Monday’s schedule will be starting at 11:00am with 4th grade, 8th grade, 1st grade, 3rd grade, the PM group of 6th grade and all of our Edgenuity-based Distance Learners.
Tuesday’s schedule will be starting at 8:30am with Children’s House, followed by Kindergartens, 2nd grade, AM group of 6th grade, 5th grade, and 7th grade.
Board of Directors Elections Coming Soon
Each year MMCA seeks parents interested in taking an active role in the governance of the school by serving as a MMCA Board member. A Board member serves a two-year term which fulfills their family’s annual 40-hour volunteer requirement.
The Board of Directors defines the mission of the school and clarifies its philosophy. In conjunction with the Executive Director, the Board establishes the financial, educational, and operational goals of MMCA and ensures that they are achieved annually. The Board may be involved in facility planning, review and approval of legal documents, annual operating budgets, and staffing decisions.
The Application and candidate information packet for the upcoming election is available at this link. If you have any questions about possibly becoming a Board Member, please feel free to contact Board President Chris Ward at or Mr. Boothby at The deadline for submitting applications will be Friday, 12/4/20.
PTA Penguin Patch Holiday Shop (update this w/ who/what/why)
Your child(ren) received a Penguin Patch Shop packet last week. MMCA PTA is participating in this fun way for students to shop for family members and experience the spirit of giving while learning to earn, budget, and save! The online shop opened November 16th and will end November 27th. To log in to our school’s secure shopping platform, please use this link: Please see the packet for more details.
MMCA Yearbooks Available to Pre-order Online
The cost is $25 through 11/30/2020.
The cost goes up to $30 12/01/2020-03/31/2021.
The only way to guarantee that you receive a yearbook is to pre-order! Click the link below to order online.