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Thursday Flyer for April 29, 2021

Thursday Flyer 4.29.2021

Free Dress Day - Friday, April 30th (TOMORROW)

Return to School COVID-19 Update

It’s been GREAT to see most of our students on a DAILY basis this week! While there’s going to be some adjustment issues as everyone - students and staff - get used to a 5 day schedule again - overall it’s been a pretty smooth transition.

Reminder: While we are excited to be back to our “normal” bell schedule, ALL of our COVID-19 Safety Protocols will remain in place. These protocols can be found on our COVID-19 News page: COVID-19 is still prevalent within our community. Case levels are actually rising within Placer County - we’d be “purple” under the state rules of 7 weeks ago. We need to continue to be diligent, and our weekly reminder about our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student/staff illness and quarantines is available here.

MMCA Garden Update - Big Day of Giving Fundraiser NEXT WEEK!

Our garden needs your help! As we look toward *hopefully* bringing back our garden docent program next year, we realized that many garden boxes, tools, and other supplies have been lost or broken over the last 2 COVID-impacted school years. In order to raise some funds to replace or fix these items, the garden will be participating in the Big Day of Giving next Thursday May, 6th. Thank you in advance for considering a tax deductible donation to the garden!

Summer Camp is a GO!

Start/end date: Monday, June 7 to Friday, August 6th.

Time: Camp will be from 8:30a - 12:30p daily, with Before Care available 7:30a-8:30a and After Care available 12:30p-5:30p

WHO can attend: Any current MMCA Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd Grade students (over 90% of the responses from our survey were from preschool - 2nd grade families, thus we’ll be focusing our camp this summer on this age group).

Our Summer Camp website, with all the paperwork and program information, is available at this link:

Breakfast on the way!

We are excited to announce that we will be serving breakfast from Revolution Foods starting Monday, May 3rd! Orders are closed through May 11th, but you can order for May 12th through the end of May (make sure orders are in by 11.59pm tonight!)

Breakfast will be served from 8:10 - 8:30 in the MPR (cafeteria). Students will be able to sit down and eat in the MPR (unless they don't have time to eat, in which case they can take it with them to eat at morning snack).

Each breakfast is served with milk and fresh fruit. The breakfasts are not warmed and will be served at room temperature or cold.

Breakfasts are not covered under the USDA waiver for free meals for all public school students; they are under the guidelines of the NSLP (National School Lunch Program). Students will be charged $2.50 for breakfast, unless your family has been approved for free or reduced-price meals ($.30). Free/reduced lunch applications are available HERE.

You can start ordering by logging into Click the "May Breakfast" menu and make your selections. If the price it is charging is not what you expected, contact Denise Thorman at

Summer School Update!

Summer School is a ‘go’. Space in our Summer School program will be limited. Per the state’s COVID-19 ‘reopening schools’ program, we are first offering Summer School spots to the students that our teachers believe have had their learning most impacted by the pandemic. These students’ parents/guardians have received individual invitations and will have until May 7th to RSVP us regarding whether or not they want the spot; after that, we will open Summer School enrollment to ALL students on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis until our slots are filled.

PTA Membership Drive!

Time is running out for the classroom PTA Membership Challenge! If you haven't already done so, please fill out the linked form below and turn it into your child's classroom by Friday. The class with the most memberships will win a prize, This PTA Membership will be for the remainder of this year and for the 2021-2022 school year!

Thank you!


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