Thursday Flyer - February 25, 2021
Thursday Flyer 2.25.2021
COVID-19 Update
Thankfully, there’s not much ‘new’ to report. Next week, I will be sending out a “where we’ve been, where we are, where I think we are headed” letter to our school community with regards to COVID-19 and school operations. Among other things, it will include information about next month’s Parent - Teacher Conferences and a SurveyMonkey link with a few questions. Again, let’s continue our due diligence regarding all of our mitigation measures. As a reminder, our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student/staff illness and quarantines are available here.
Drop-off / Pick-up Reminder during Hybrid
3:20p pick up parents (1st/3rd/6th): If you arrive at school before 3:20p, please park in a designated parking spot. It makes getting through our 3:10p pick up cars much faster!
Lunch Recess / ASC Staff
We’re looking for additional paid PT staff to help us out with lunch and Before/After School Care coverage. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact Mr. Baldonade at
2021-2022 MMCA School Calendar
At last month’s Board meeting, the calendar for the next school year was approved. Click on the link to access the calendar.
Last week, our PTA sent home a letter regarding a PTA Membership Drive for the rest of this school year and next year, as well as the MMCA PTA Membership Form and a flyer regarding PTA apparel. Just in case you missed it, electronic copies of what was sent home with the students is also available here, including:
Hello from MMCA PTA Letter: PTA Hello MMCA Families.docx
MMCA PTA Membership and Participation Form:
Order Form for MMCA PTA Apparel available on the bottom of the MMCA PTA webpage:
Yearbook PreSales DEADLINE is March 31
Yearbooks are available for presale through Jostens for $30 through March 31. Reserve your copy today. The only way to guarantee your child’s yearbook is to preorder by 3/31.