Thursday Flyer, August 22, 2024
Thursday Flyer, August 22, 2024
Upcoming Events:
Thank you!
Thank you to all of the parents/guardians who attended Back to School Night!
Some of our classrooms were even able to demonstrate their brand new SmartBoards donated by the PTA!
We have a competitive athletic program for our students in grades 4-8. Fall sports are starting next week!
Flag Football Tryouts (grades 5-8)
Sign-up sheet is in the multi-purpose room. Tryouts are on Monday from 2:15 - 4:00pm & Tuesday from 3:20 - 4:50 pm.
Girls Basketball Tryouts (grades 5-8)
Sign-up sheet is in the multi-purpose room. Tryouts are on Monday & Tuesday at 2:15 - 4:00pm & Tuesday from 3:20 - 4:50pm.
Cross Country Tryouts (grades 4-8)
Sign up information coming out soon.
At this time we need a coach for cross country. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Boothby at
If your child(ren) will be absent, please notify our office with the student’s name, date of absence, and reason for absence. This information is required per California attendance policies.
You may either:
Email; or
Call 916-630-1510 and as for the attendance line
Volunteer Hours & Logs
We encourage parents to continue their support by being an active participant in their child's education by volunteering 40 hours per family per school year. We value and encourage families to participate in school events, parent teacher conferences, help with the PTA, volunteer their time at school, and other parent enrichment activities provided by the school to inform and encourage parents to be leaders in our school community.
Current Openings Outside of the Classroom:
Morning Drop-Off Helper: Need several. Arrive 20 minutes before school, any day that you are available - 1, 5, 10 days or more! Help direct traffic flow. Assist children out of cars and direct them to the playground. No sign-ups needed, just stop by the office at 8:10am to pick up a safety vest and check-in!
Office Helper: Organize supplies, filing, copy work, organize uniform closet, clean/organize staff room. Email if interested.
Volunteer hours are now logged electronically and tallied hours are sent home at each trimester. Scan the QR code below or click the link here that is also on our website.
WANTED: After School Club Leaders
We ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to help lead After School Clubs for our future sessions. Club Leader commitments are typically 1 day per week for 1 hour, and our club sessions last 4-6 weeks. In the past, we’ve had clubs that have included chess, sewing, arts and crafts, STEM, drama, sports and much more. It’s a great venue for parents to share their interests with students. For any questions about our After School Clubs program, please contact Ray Baldonade at
We’re still in the process of making our final Waiting List calls to fill our limited remaining K-8th grade spots. In an effort to keep our grade levels balanced, at this point in particular we are looking for a few more 1st grade boys and 5th grade girls. If you happen to know a family that fits this and you think they’d be a good fit at our school, encourage them to submit an application to our Waiting List, available on our website here.
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
The September menus are open and ready for ordering.
PLEASE REMEMBER, students are only able to pick up food items if they have placed orders in advance. Information on our website here.
Stay Connected
If you are on Facebook, there are 3 accounts that we encourage you to join:
PTA/Parent-Run Facebook Page (not an official MMCA school page, page is parent-run and designed for parents)