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Thursday Flyer - August 19, 2021

Thursday Flyer: August 19, 2021

Upcoming Events:

  • 8/17-20 - Minimum Days (12:00p dismissal)

  • 8/19 - TONIGHT! New Parent Info. Night, 6:00p - IN PERSON

  • 8/19 - TONIGHT! ack to School Night, 6:30p - IN PERSON

  • MMCA 21-22 Parent Orientation Handbook link

New Parent Information Night / Back to School Night are TONIGHT!

We’re excited to interact with our parents tonight! Tip: Parking is limited on our school site; please consider parking next door at Margaret Azevedo Park - there is a paved path from the park to our school.

Parent Information Night will be a brief 20 minute presentation starting at 6:00p that will include speakers from our Board, PTA, Garden, After School Clubs, Mr. B and more. There will be a few minutes for parents to network and meet the various school groups before the start of Back to School Night (‘BSN’). Our teachers will be hosting BSN within each of our classrooms, and it’ll begin at 6:30p. We recognize that families have children in multiple classrooms - please feel free to go between rooms during the presentations and pick up each classrooms’ BSN materials.

Bell Schedule Reminders / Heads ups

Next week will be our first full ‘normal’ week of school. Our typical bell schedule is:

8:30a - 2:00p Monday - Friday for Kindergarten

8:30a - 2:00p Mondays, 8:30a - 3:10p Tuesdays - Fridays for 1st - 8th Grade

Additionally, we are continuing with a modified lunch / lunch recess schedule to reduce the size of our lunch groups and allow more spacing between the students.

COVID-modified Lunch Schedule:

Recess Lunch

11:10a-11:35a K-1

11:35a-12:00p 2--3 K-1

12:00p-12:25p 4--5 2--3

12:25p-12:50p 6--8 4--5

12:50p-1:15p 6--8

Girls’ Basketball Tryouts NEXT WEEK!

Tryouts will be next Wednesday, 8/25/21, from 3:20p-4:50p, and next Thursday (same time).. Tryouts are open to ANY 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grade girl. A sign up sheet has been posted in the Gym. Tentative schedule available here.

Heads up: Flag Football Signups will be posted NEXT WEEK, tryouts with be the following week (dates/times TBD)!

Flag Football tryouts will be open to 5th - 8th grade students. Tentative game schedule available here.

Ordering Breakfasts and Lunches for September

Our September Menus are posted on Boonli and the system is accepting orders. Please take a few minutes with your child to place your orders.

We recommend ordering for the entire month, but we have weekly deadlines that we will close and lock ordering. Ordering for the week of Tuesday 8/31 through Monday 9/6 (holiday) will close and lock at 11:59pm on Monday 8/23. That will continue weekly throughout the year:

Deadline (11:59pm):For meals served on:23-Aug8/31-9/630-Aug9/7-9/136-Sep9/14-9/2013-Sep9/21-9/2720-Sep9/28-10/427-Sep10/5-10/11Continuing weekly on MondaysContinuing Tues-Mon

Please remind your child to pick up their breakfasts and lunches that are ordered. If the meals aren't served, MMCA cannot receive a reimbursement for the meal.

If you don’t have a Boonli account yet (our ordering site) you can find instructions here:


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