Thursday Flyer - August 18, 2022
Thursday Flyer August 18, 2022
Upcoming Events:
2022-2023 MMCA Parent Orientation Handbook link
Please review ‘drop-off, pick-up and parking lot rules graphic at end of Flyer
8/22 - 1:50p Monday dismissal
8/22 @ 11:59 p.m. - ordering deadline for breakfast / lunch for week of 8/29
Good afternoon MMCA Families! We’re in the middle of a busy first week of school. Normally, as a school we’ll publish a weekly flyer on Thursdays with information about our school. For this week, with lots of information, we’re going to publish a Thursday AND Friday Flyer. Enjoy!
New Parent Information Night (NPIN) / Back to School Night (BSN) is TONIGHT!
Our annual ‘New Parent Information Night’ from 6-6:30p, and ‘Back to School Night’ from 6:30-7:30p, is TONIGHT!
NPIN: This will be in the MPR, and it will be Mr. Boothby and leaders of some of our other school groups introducing themselves to our new families and welcoming them to our school, going over the basics of some of our programs, and answering questions.
BSN: These will be teacher-led presentations within each of your child(ren)’s classrooms intended for all of our parents.
Reminder: Parking is limited on our school site; please consider parking next door at Margaret Azevedo Park - there is a paved path from the park to our school.