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Thursday Flyer - April 8, 2021

Thursday Flyer 4.8.2021

COVID-19 Update

Week of 4/19 or 4/26 will be the return to ‘5 day, full day for everyone’ at MMCA!

Based on Placer County’s current COVID-19 case levels, we will still be switching to a '5 day, full day for everyone' schedule on either Monday, 4/19 or Monday, 4/26. We will let all families know on Tuesday afternoon, 4/13, based on the County’s levels at that time, which date the switch will be. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be sending out updated information about our bell schedules, our Before/Aftercare Program, Hot Lunch, and everything else we can think of that could be impacted by the schedule switch as we transition to the new schedule.

COVID-19 is still prevalent within our community - for example, Whitney H.S. had about 10 cases the week before Spring Break. We need to continue to be diligent, and our weekly reminder about our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student/staff illness and quarantines is available here. Even though we’ll be returning to ‘full day’ for all of our students, we’re still going to have all of our current COVID-19 safety protocols in place, including limiting our campus to staff and students during the school day.

Summer School w/ Survey?!!

I think we will be receiving funding from the state that will allow us to offer a ‘Summer School’ this summer, as long as the Summer School is primarily targeted to our students most affected by ‘COVID-19 learning loss’. ‘Summer School’ would be for the first four weeks of summer for four days per week (Monday - Thursday), from 8:30a-11:30a. We’ve got a basic survey about a possible 2021 Summer School Session that includes preliminary details about the program - this survey is available HERE. Over the next week, we’re asking all families to fill out this survey so that we can gauge interest and potentially start significant planning for the program.

Summer School w/ Survey?!!

During the past several weeks, we’ve received several inquiries regarding if we’re going to be able to offer our “Summer Camp” program again, particularly from our preschool and lower elementary parents. With COVID-19 restrictions now expected to be significantly easing in June, I think it’s possible, but we would need to have sufficient demand to make it happen. For perspective on our Summer Camp program, check out our Summer Camp 2020 page, which has information about our program had we been able to offer it last year (this year’s program would be very similarly structured, with a probable carry-over of the thematic weeks since we weren’t able to do them last year). For parents potentially interested in MMCA hosting a Summer Camp program, please click HERE for a brief survey to help us gauge interest.

Girls’ Volleyball is HAPPENING this spring!

We are excited to announce that the girls’ volleyball season will begin this month! Whether you're new to the sport or a seasoned player, we encourage 5th-8th grade girls that are interested to come to our clinics and check it out! Clinic dates are the following:

Tuesday, April 13th 3:30-5pm

Thursday, April 15th 3:30-5pm

Tuesday, April 20th 3:30-5pm

Thursday, April 22nd 3:30-5pm

Tryouts will be on the following dates:

April 27th, 29th & 30th 3:30-5pm

Practice and games will begin in May! Hope to see you there!

Coach Emily Jennings

Yearbook PreSales DEADLINE has been EXTENDED to 4/15/21!

ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT to preorder your child’s yearbook using this link:


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