Thursday Flyer, 9/19/24
Thursday Flyer, September 19, 2024
Upcoming Events:
Picture Day
Picture Day is coming next week, Wednesday, 9-25! Please see flyers below for more info. A few days after Picture Day, you will be able to view your images online using this event code: FE62824 at
Goal Setting Conferences; Oct 7- Oct 9th
Sign-up for Parent-Teacher Goal Setting Conferences
You are invited to sign-up for your child’s conference which will be held in the afternoons Monday, October 7th through Wednesday, October 9th You will have online access to schedule conferences starting Monday, September 23rd through Thursday, October 3rd.
How to schedule your child(ren)’s conference:
1. Go to this link:
2. “Maria Montessori Charter Academy” and press “Go”
3. There will be a prompt for a school password; the password is: mmca
4. The next screen will ask you to “enter the student’s ID” - we are NOT using student ID’s. Instead, press the “LOOKUP STUDENT ID” button.
5. After pressing the “look up student ID” button, you will be prompted to enter your child’s first name, last name, and birthdate and then press “LOOKUP”.
6. After your child has been identified, the program will ask you to do two things:
a. Select the classroom you want to schedule the conference for (note: ALL of our classrooms are listed by color names, not teacher names); and
b. If you have multiple children that you want to schedule a conference for, it will give you the opportunity to look up the next child (this will give you the opportunity to see multiple classroom conference schedules listed next to each other, making it convenient for your scheduling)
7. The program will take you through a couple of self-explanatory calendar screens, and your conference will be scheduled.
If you are having issues with the software program, you have two alternatives to schedule your conference:
a. You may come into the office to use one of our computers.
b. You may call the office after 9:00am and they can assist you with scheduling.
Penny Wars!
Get ready mustangs, the PTA is hosting a Coin Race (aka penny wars)!!!
Click the Image/ Link below for ALL the details including a FUN video to watch with your family, prizes, rules and the online donation link!
Some things are staying the same:
Pennies, dollars and checks are POSITIVE points for your class.
All silver coins are NEGATIVE points that you will use to sabotage other racers (aka classes)
NEW things to note:
The Coin Race will be open Monday morning through Thursday afternoon.
You can now donate online with a Super Star Power Up (great for family members and friends who want to support from afar). Power Ups are worth 150 points per dollar!! and are only included in the class's final totals on Thursday night.
The winning class will be announced LIVE on Friday morning!
Funds raised from this event support classroom supplies (above and beyond students individual supply purchases), field trip scholarships, enrichment programs, teacher appreciation events, and the family events that PTA hosts such as BINGO, Harvest Festival, Movie Night and more.
Garden Work Day - 9/30
Save the Date for our upcoming work day on 9/30 from 2:10 - 3:30 pm! Orange and Coral rooms will be hosting, although ALL volunteers are welcome to come out and help make our garden beautiful!
WATCH Dogs Fall Kick-Off!
Thank you to everyone who attended our WATCH Dogs kick-off pizza party last night! Also, big thanks to our staff helpers, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Garcia, Mrs. Laube, Mrs. Boothby, Mr. Boothby, Mrs. Fernandes, and Mrs. Watkins for their help to make Pizza Night a success! And super big thanks to Mrs. Schmich who serves as our Watch Dogs Coordinator!
We opened up our SignUp Genius last night for those in attendance. Even if you did not attend, you are still able to sign up here.
PLEASE REMEMBER, the WATCH Dogs parking spot in the MMCA parking is only for the WATCH Dog of the Day!
Free Dree Days
The first free dress day of the school year is coming up tomorrow, Friday, September 20th!
Lost & Found
The items are starting to pile up on our lost and found rolling card next to the library.
Also found: brand new belt in Amazon box, Microsoft charger, small jewelry items. Check in the office to identify/claim.
Unclaimed items are donated on the last day of each month.
Stay Connected
If you are on Facebook, there are 3 accounts that we encourage you to join:
PTA/Parent-Run Facebook Page (This is not an official MMCA school page. This page is parent-run and designed for parents.)