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Thursday Flyer 12.2.21

Thursday Flyer: December 2, 2021

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday, 12/6/21 - Friday, 12/10/21 - Book Fair

  • Tuesday, 12/7/21 & Wednesday, 12/8/21 - Boys’ BB Tryouts, 3:20p-4:50p

  • Thursday, 12/16/21 - Free Dress Day

  • Friday, 12/17/21 - Monday, 1/3/22 - NO SCHOOL- Winter Break

Weekly COVID-19 Update

Cumulative Case count: (14)

We had a couple more students test positive during the Thanksgiving Break, and the County Public Health Doctor has told us to expect that we will have more cases in the upcoming months ahead. We need to continue to be diligent - here is our weekly reminder about our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student illness - a link to our current student illness protocols is available here.

Sly Park Fundraiser - Book Fair in D-2 next week before and after school!

We’re excited to be taking our 6th graders back to Sly Park for 6th Grade Science Camp this year! Historically, we take our 6th grade students to a week long Science Camp at Sly Park every year. Next week, we’ll be doing a fundraiser for our 6th graders to help offset the costs for our families in need. The Fundraiser will be in D-2 from 8-8:30a on Monday-Friday morning next week, and for one hour after school on Monday-Thursday afternoons next week (2-3p Monday, 3:10-4:00p Tuesday-Thursday). A promotional flyer for the event is at the end of this Flyer. Additionally, for parents that prefer to participate online, you can do so via this link:

Giving Tree for MMCA Families this holiday season (reprint of email sent to families yesterday)

Good morning MMCA Families,

I think we can all agree 2021 has been a challenging year, for some more than others. We received a request to reach out to our MMCA community to see if there are MMCA families who are in need, whether it be food, clothing, toys or other basic needs during the upcoming holiday season. If your family could use support, please reach out to me via email ( by 5:00p.m. on December 6th if this sounds like something your family could benefit from. We promise your name will be kept confidential. Once we have a better idea of interest we will reach out to our entire school community on December 7th with an electronic giving tree, most likely via a SignUpGenius, asking for donations. This project will be done in partnership with our MMCA PTA - all donations will be tax deductible and 100% of donations received will be passed through to the families in need. Thank you in advance for your support!


Brent Boothby, Executive Director, MMCA

Melissa Curle, President, MMCA PTA

Boys’ Basketball Tryouts Next Week for 5th-8th grade boys

Boys’ BB tryouts will be next Tuesday, 12/7/21 and Wednesday, 12/8/21, from 3:20p-4:50p. Sign-ups are posted in the gym.

Annual Board of Directors Elections Submission Deadline 12/3/21

Each year MMCA seeks parents interested in taking an active role in the governance of the school by serving as a MMCA Board member. A Board member serves a two-year term which fulfills their family’s annual 40-hour volunteer requirement.

The Board of Directors defines the mission of the school and clarifies its philosophy. In conjunction with the Executive Director, the Board establishes the financial, educational, and operational goals of MMCA and ensures that they are achieved annually. The Board may be involved in facility planning, review and approval of legal documents, annual operating budgets, and staffing decisions.

The Application and candidate information packet for the upcoming election is available at this link. If you have any questions about possibly becoming a Board Member, please feel free to contact Board President Chris Ward at or Mr. Boothby at The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, 12/3/21.

Winter Care 2021 Interest Survey

If we have sufficient parent interest, we will offer Winter Care during the first four days of our Winter Break. Care would be on Monday, 12/20 - Thursday, 12/23 of this week from 7:30a-5:30p, and would be led by a combination of our Preschool and Afterschool Care staff. Please take this quick survey so we can gauge family interest in Winter Care:

We will make the 'go / no go' decision on Winter Care on Monday, December 6th based on interest expressed within this survey.

December Menu is Available in Boonli

The December menu is now available in Boonli ( Please take a moment to place orders for the month (remember we have weekly deadlines on Mondays at 11:59pm, but recommend placing orders for the entire month).



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