Thursday Flyer 12.17.2020

Happy Holidays! REMINDER: THERE IS SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, 12/18/20 (calendar was changed in August 2020). There is NO SCHOOL Winter Break December 21 - January 4th - We’ll see you in the new year on TUESDAY, JANUARY 5th!
COVID-19 Update
When we come back to school in January, we will be continuing with our existing hybrid schedule. As we enter Winter Break, we are still at (3) total student cases and (1) staff case for four months. This is one of the lowest case counts for public schools within all of Placer County. For context, the COVID case count at Whitney High School has been averaging over 10 cases per week for the past several weeks. As we enter the break, I’d like to thank our students, families and especially our staff for following all of our COVID protocols as we try to keep everyone within our school community safe. As a reminder, our COVID protocols are available here. PLEASE, let’s continue to follow them when we get back from the break, as I REALLY don’t want to have to go back to distance learning after the break because of caseloads as other districts in the County (Placer H.S.D., Auburn Elementary, etc.) are doing. Additionally, Placer County Public Health has published some tips for the holidays that they would like us to share with our families. Beyond that, we hope everyone has the happiest of holidays as possible during these crazy times, and we look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Annual Parent Income Survey Emailed Electronically last week
It is very important that we collect surveys for every M.M.C.A. student. We will be following up with families until we have collected a survey from every family. If you didn’t receive a survey, verify your email is correct in the Aeries Parent Portal ( The survey only takes about 1 minute to complete. We will be calling families that have not yet completed their survey.
Board Elections
We’ll be sending out electronic ballots via SurveyMonkey tomorrow regarding our Board of Director elections. Instructions and candidate statements for the prospective new members will be included with the e-ballots.
Thank you MMCA PTA for the Cocoa Bar!
A big thanks to our PTA for the awesome cocoa bar/breakfast this morning! Beautiful presentation and we all got to take home an ornament! We felt special.
Lost and Found
Please stop by our Lost & Found cart that will be located out front of the school today and tomorrow. There are jackets, sweatshirts, masks, lunch boxes and water bottles! We will be donating all items not picked up. If you don’t have time to stop by please check out the pictures below.
Flat Mustang Winter Adventure
Flat Stanley’s friend, Flat Mustang, is here to have some holiday fun with your Mustang! Print and color the Flat Mustang below (or create your own Flat Mustang if you prefer) and take Flat Mustang on a Winter Adventure! Submit your best photo of your Mustang with the Flat Mustang to the yearbook along with a brief writeup (1-3 sentences) from your Mustang about their adventure. Email submissions to by January 15, 2021. Make sure to note your Mustang’s name and classroom in your submission. (jpegs only, no compressed files)
