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Thursday Flyer 10-26-23

Thursday Flyer 10/26/23

Upcoming Events:

  • 10/29 - Hot Lunch Ordering Deadline for Week of 11/6

  • 10/31 - Cultural Day

  • 11/1 - No School - Teacher In-Service

  • 11/8 - Panda Express Family Dining Night

  • 11/9 - Free Dress Day

  • 11/10 - No School - Veterans Day

Trunk-or-Treat Was a Success!

The Trunk-or-Treat event was so fun! Thank you to everyone who participated, donated items, volunteered, and attended! With so many amazing decorations, there could only be one winner: The Alice in Wonderland Duo who won a reserved parking spot until the end of 2023!

Art Docent Wall

We are excited to announce the addition of an Art Docent Wall in our front office. This will be a rotating installation of creations from each classes’ art docent lessons. Thank you to Mrs. Cohodes and all of our art docent parent volunteers for bringing this project to fruition. The students have really enjoyed seeing their art in the office! Miles and Camden are pictured below excitedly displaying their art from the Blue Room.

Holiday Evergreen Fundraiser

The holidays are fast approaching and the PTA has a wonderful opportunity for you to support the school and deck the halls with some gorgeous greenery!

This fundraiser will help the PTA raise funds for scholarships, campus improvements, student and faculty projects, and fun activities throughout the school year.

Share this link with your friends and family and encourage them to support your student.

Please remind them to indicate your child's classroom as the seller in the checkout page.

All orders are due no later than 9:00pm November 5th!

Items ordered under Local Distribution are expected to be delivered to the school no later than December 5th and will be distributed to parents/guardians ONLY before and after school on the designated days (likely Dec 6-8).

Items ordered under Direct Delivery will be sent directly to the person indicated in the shipping portion of the checkout screen. These items will NOT be available for pickup from the school (shipping is included in the price listed).

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you so much for your continued support of our school and the PTA efforts!

Volunteer Opportunity

We are in need of someone to wash our custodial rags on a weekly basis. It is one small load each week on your own time and counts for your volunteer hours for the year! Please contact Mrs. Brown at to sign up.


Next week, we’re looking forward to seeing Chris Ebbers, Niko Bruich, and Brad Zimmerman as our WatchDOGS! We still have some spots available for the fall period. If you are interested in signing up, you may do so via this link here.

Yearbook Update

  • Yearbook Sales Now Open: Yearbooks are $30 if ordered by December 31st and are printed in full-color, hard-bound format. Ordering available until mid-Spring. The price will go up to $35 beginning in January. Order link HERE.

  • Pictures Needed: Did you take pictures at our Trunk or Treat or at our fall athletic events? Please email or text them to: for possible inclusion in our yearbook!

Now that we are settled into the year, we have a few reminders for our families:

School Uniforms (from Mr. B)

MMCA has a uniform policy, the key points of which are highlighted below. There’s a few reasons why I want to remind everyone about our uniform policy now, and they’re connected to sweatshirts and shoes -


  1. We don’t regulate sweatshirts outside of the classroom - but within the classroom, if the sweatshirt is not within our school colors, we could ask students to remove their sweatshirt with the expectation that students have a uniform shirt on underneath.

  2. Some students are wearing oversized, non-uniform sweatshirts and combining that with rolling up their shorts - making the sweatshirt look like a short dress.


  1. Given everything we do with the students outside of the classroom, we need shoes to be closed at the toe and heel - kids can’t do PE in flip flops, for example.


  • Styles: Uniform-style oxfords, polos, turtlenecks, T-shirts or blouses. Tops must be sleeved (long or short). No crop or midriff shirts. Other than the MMCA logo, all tops must be completely unadorned (no logos, lettering, graphics, sparkles, sheen, patterns, decorative accents, etc.).

  • Colors (solids): white, blue, or green.

  • Second layer: sweater, cardigan or vest in uniform colors.

  • Outerwear: not regulated outside of the classroom.

    • Hoodies/sweatshirts that are worn in the classroom must follow the regulations for “tops”. Hoodies/sweats

hirts with the MMCA logo are acceptable and can be ordered on our website.


  • Styles: Uniform-style pants, capris, shorts, skirts, dresses, or jumpers not shorter than 2” above the knee.

  • Colors (solid): Navy blue or tan khaki.

  • Examples of unacceptable bottoms: jeans, sweat-pants, overalls.


  • Closed toe and closed heel.

If your student is in need of uniform clothing, please email We have many donated items i

n excellent condition in a variety of sizes and styles for families who request them.


If your student is absent, please call 630-1510 at any time or email with the reason for your student’s absence. We are required to maintain accurate attendance records per state requirements.

Parking Lot Safety

Please remember that ultimately, this is a student safety issue, and we are trying to make sure that all of our kids are safe. Whether you are on our driveway, in our parking lot, at the church or the park, please drive slowly and watch out for students. Additionally:

  1. The Speed limit on our driveway and within our parking lot is 5 mph. Please DO NOT exceed this.

  2. The student drop-off/pick-up location is the sidewalk in front of school ONLY

  3. When walking within our parking lot, please use the designated crosswalks.

  4. Please do not leave your car unattended during pick-up - if you need to park, please use a designated parking spot at the school, church or park.

  5. Please do not park in reserved/painted staff spots.

  6. Our “through traffic” lane starts after the Preschool Driveway - not up by the church parking lot.

Additionally, here is a ‘graphical’ representation of our Drop-off, pick-up and parking rules:


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