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Summer Flyer #4 August 18, 2020

August 18, 2020 Update

Good Afternoon MMCA Families,

We’re six days away from the start of the school year! This is the next Summer Flyer (with 3-4 more on the way) with information about the upcoming school year. Again, all of our summer communications are available at:

With today’s Flyer, we’re going to focus on three issues: checking out laptops for families that need them, class rosters, and

Distance learning expectations Week 1.

*Checking out laptops for families that need them

Beginning Wednesday, 8/19/20 and continuing through Monday, 8/24/20, we will check school laptops out to families who don’t have computers for their child to use at home. Our checkout times will be from 1:30p to 3:30p in the front office.

*Class rosters

Class rosters are normally posted the Friday before school starts. We will be posting them this Friday at 4:00p. However, given the nature of Distance Learning, we will need to coordinate and communicate with parents sooner than that, so there’s a decent chance you will be contacted by email by your child(ren)’s teachers before Friday to communicate information about the upcoming distance learning plans. Edgenuity parents: You will still be included on classroom email lists, as I want you to still be as ‘connected’ as possible during these unprecedented times.

*Distance learning expectations Week 1

I am actively trying to secure permission to allow students to come onto campus in very small groups (4 or less per hour) during the first week of school so that 1) teachers and students can have some real ‘face’ time with each other, 2) teachers can go over their basic expectations of the first couple of weeks of school, 3) teachers can give very basic assessments so that we know where the kids are at and 4) students can pick up any school supplies and materials that they may need during distance learning. ASSUMING we’re able to do this (and I believe we will), I would imagine each classroom teacher sending something like a ‘Sign up genius’ invitation out this week with 1 hour times available on Monday through Thursday next week. Additionally, I would expect 1-2 Zoom (or Google Meet) based video lessons to be happening with the kids next week. By the following week, our goal will be to have a published schedule in place with the prescheduled set of 4ish (depending on day and grade level, this may vary) Zoom-based lessons per day beginning Week 2. When we get into ‘full’ distance learning mode, we will be treating as close to a ‘normal’ school day as possible, with lessons, work time, lunch time, teacher office hours, etc. built into a 8:30a - 3:10p schedule.

Semi-related: basic student expectations during video based lessons

I’ve had several random questions regarding this topic and I figured I’d address them for everyone here.

Uniforms: No, students don’t have to be in uniforms during DL; only reason I would get involved in this is if a student wore something with vulgarity, etc.

Do kids have to have their cameras turned on during video lessons?: Up to the teachers, but generally yes, my expectation is that cameras are ‘on’ and all students and teachers can see each other.


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