Thursday Flyer; November 21, 2024
Upcoming Events:
NO SCHOOL 11/25 - 11/29:

“ Write your name on the turkey. Put the meat on the turkey. Add some noodles. Cook it with fries and bananas in the oven for two seconds.” - Claire
“Pick a turkey from the grass. Wash. Fry. Eat.” - Pak
“You should ask my Grandma. She makes them.” - Stanley
“Come to my house. My mom can shape your turkey into a cat. Some turkeys have bones. Don’t eat them.” - Ella
“Five seconds! That is all it takes. Remember to add sugar. Cut kiwi and put them on the side of the turkey. Add avocado on the top. And a little more sugar.” - Avnee
“Get a turkey from Target. Don’t forget the pizza. Cook them both in the cold oven for five minutes.” - Jack

The application process for new students has begun for the K-8th grade lottery for the 2025-2026 school year. Online applications are due by February 15, 2025. Preschool enrollment will begin on January 15th for next school year.
If you have an incoming Kindergarten student, now is the time to complete the application for next school year! Application and enrollment information is on our website. Please share with those who might be interested in attending MMCA next year!
Current students do not need to re-apply for next school year. Notice of intent to return forms will be emailed to current families in early February.
Staff Favorites
Some families have asked for lists of some of our “staff favorites” to show thanks or to give a little gift.

Our staff favorites lists are in a binder in the front office and are now also linked here on our website.
Art Docent Wall
The Green Room created some amazing interpretations of the famous painting: “The Great Wave”. Art is displayed on the front wall in the Admin Office.


Thank you to our WATCH D.O.G.S. who helped out this week: Christopher Annicella, Brandon Catanzariti and Cory Fitzhugh! There are only a couple spots left for 2024 - sign up here! New sign-ups for 2025 will be available in January after our annual Donuts with Dads event.
Annual M.M.C.A. Board of Directors Elections Coming Up
The Board of Directors defines the mission of the school and clarifies its philosophy. In conjunction with the Executive Director, the Board establishes the financial, educational, and operational goals of MMCA and ensures that they are achieved annually. The Board may be involved in facility planning, review and approval of legal documents, annual operating budgets, and staffing decisions. The Board of Directors also serve as ambassadors for the school, promoting its successes and building its positive reputation in the community.
Board elections are conducted in November/December of each school year. If you are interested in becoming a candidate, please check out our Candidate Information Packet. Applications will be accepted until December 6, 2024.