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Friday Flyer - September 23, 2022

Friday Flyer - September 23, 2022

Upcoming Events:

  • 9/19-9/29 - Goal Setting Conference Sign-ups open for P-T Conferences 10/3-10/5/22; sign up link HERE (see Thursday Flyer for sign up instructions)

  • 9/22-10/14 - Mosquito Fire SPCA Drive (See Thursday Flyer for more info.)

  • 9/26 - Garden Workday 2:15p-3:30p, Yellow/Purple Families

  • 9/26 @ 11:59 p.m. - ordering deadline for breakfast / lunch for week of 10/3

  • 9/26-9/30 - MMCA PTA Penny Wars Fundraiser (see Thursday Flyer for more info.)

  • 9/26 - Flag Football HOME vs. JAA Lincoln, 3:30p

  • 9/26 - MMCA Board of Directors September 2022 Meeting, 5:30p, Agenda HERE

  • 9/28 - Flag Football HOME vs. Bowman, 3:30p

  • 9/28 - Girls’ BB HOME vs. Gateway, 3:45p

  • 9/29 - Girls’ BB @ JAA Roseville, 3:45p

After School Club Signups

First round of After School Clubs is starting! Our first round of Clubs will be from October 10th - November 10th. Informational Flyers for each Club are linked below. Space is limited within each club. Sign-ups are on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. For clubs that have a cost, scholarships are available. General questions about After School Clubs? Please contact Mr. Baldonade at

Mondays (2nd-5th Graders): Soccer Club

Tuesdays (2nd-3rd Graders): Spanish Club

Wednesdays (1st-3rd Graders): Yoga Club

Thursdays (2nd-5th Graders): Jedi Academy

Scholastic Book Fair Volunteer Sign-up

During our Fall Goal Setting Conferences, we are going to be hosting a Fall Scholastic Book Fair. We need parent volunteers to help make this happen. Please check out this SignUpGenius link to see available time slots for volunteering. Questions about the Book Fair? Please contact Mr. Baldonade at

MMCA Garden & Outdoor Classroom Workday Next Monday from 2:15p - 3:30p

We have a workday next Monday, hosted by our Yellow/Purple Rooms - but families from all classrooms are welcome to attend. Come check out our bunnies next at the Garden Workday next Monday!

Housing Questionnaire

A new requirement from the state of California this year is that all schools offer their families a Housing Questionnaire that lets people know about possible areas of school-related support for students that are in homeless situations. For this year, access to this survey is now available HERE. In future years, we will make this survey part of the registration and/or data confirmation process within AERIES. If any family has any questions about this survey, please contact Mr. Boothby at

Parking Lot Etiquette

From time to time I’ll publish reminders for our school community about parking lot etiquette. Ultimately, this is a student safety issue, and we want to keep kids safe. The graphic below explains our basic parking lot rules for drop-off and pick up. Today in particular I want to highlight the yellow ‘drive through to park lane’ below. This lane starts at our preschool driveway - not at Wildcat Blvd. Additionally, I’d like to remind all families that:

  1. The ‘drop-off’ lane is for dropping students off - it’s not for parking - if you need to park, please use one of our designated parking spots

Found Scooter

Someone left a youth scooter at our front office a couple of weeks ago. If no one claims it in the next week, we will be donating it to Goodwill.


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