Friday Flyer - September 17, 2021

Friday Flyer: September 17, 2021
Upcoming Events:
Mon., 9/20/21 Flag FB @ Gateway, 3:30p
Tues., 9/21/21 GBB HOME vs. FH, 3:30p
Wed.,9/22/21 Flag FB HOME vs. JAA, 3:30p
Thurs., 9/23/21 GBB @ Bowman, 3:45p
Weekly COVID-19 Update
Cumulative Case count: (4)
COVID-19, as well as the ‘normal’ cold (rhinovirus) are continuing to be prevalent around Placer County right now. With COVID-19 still prevalent within our County, we need to continue to be diligent - here is our weekly reminder about our basic COVID-19 protocols regarding student illness - a link to our current student illness protocols is available here.
WANTED: WatchDOGS Coordinator
We are looking for a parent volunteer to help us coordinate our WatchDOGS program. The Coordinator would assist us with the Fall Pizza and Winter Donuts sign-up promotional events as well as assist with the scheduling of the WatchDOGS. If you may be interested in this, please contact Mr. Boothby at
WANTED: Art Docent Coordinator
We ARE LOOKING FOR a Coordinator for our Art Docent program. The Coordinator provides guidance and support to each of our volunteer parent Art Docents within each classroom. There is a paid stipend for our Art Docent Coordinator. If you may be interested in this, please contact Mr. Boothby at
Cross Country Sign-ups posted next week in the Gym
Sign-ups for XC will begin next week. Boys and girls in 4th-8th grade are eligible to compete. Thus far, we’re only aware of (2) meets - we’re trying to get more before we finalize our schedule.
Annual Parent Income surveys went home this week
We sent home our annual CONFIDENTIAL Parent Income Surveys with the students this week. Please take a moment to fill out and return these confidential income surveys. For confidentiality, you may remove the label with your student's name on it and return just the form to the school with the student identification number. We are required by law to collect these. Additionally, some federal funding and grant opportunities are based on the data collected here. The survey takes less than 1 minute to complete, and we will be calling families that have not yet completed their survey. Any questions about the Surveys can be sent to our Business Manager Denise Thorman at
Parent Volunteers Update
As classrooms start to plan / recruit for parent volunteers and we start recruiting for After School Club Leaders, we will have some additional state-mandated protocols in place due to COVID-19. These protocols will include:
All parent volunteers must wear masks when indoors with students
Beginning October 15th, we are most likely going to be asking parents for one of these:
proof of vaccination;
negative COVID test within 72 hours of volunteer time; or
Proof of COVID-19 diagnosis within the past year (we’re going to recognize natural immunity)
In addition, for parent volunteers working with students not under direct supervision of a staff member (ex. After School Club Leaders), we will also have our normal policy of requiring fingerprinting / background checks (MMCA will pay for the primary fingerprinting costs).
Bigger picture, this is an extremely fluid situation. I would not be surprised if the state mandates related to these rules change multiple times over the next two months.
Ordering Breakfasts and Lunches for October
Our October Menus are posted on Boonli and the system is accepting orders. Please take a few minutes with your child to place your orders. We recommend ordering for the entire month, but we have weekly deadlines that we will close and lock ordering (Mon, Sept 20 is the deadline for the week of 9/28-10/4).
A couple of common ordering mistakes:
Thinking you have orders placed: We always have several students without lunches ordered on the first few days of the month (they think that they have orders since they are receiving meals everyday and don’t think about ordering for the new month).
Not completing the “check out” process in Boonli: You add orders to the cart and since the meals are free, you never pay, but you still need to complete the checkout process. It “feels” like you’ve ordered so you think you have. The order is placed and recorded when you receive a confirmation.
Please remind your child to pick up their breakfasts and lunches that are ordered. If the meals aren't served, MMCA cannot receive a reimbursement for the meal. If you don’t have a Boonli account yet (our ordering site) you can find instructions here: