10.5.20 Reminders
Good afternoon MMCA Community,
We had a great first week of 'physical school' with the kids last week, and we're looking forward to an even better second week! A couple quick reminders for you:
A) Reminder 1: This week and next week are FOUR DAY weeks, with NO SCHOOL this FRIDAY and next MONDAY.
B) Reminder 2: We're asking everyone within our school community to do our symptom check DAILY at home - if we don't have sick people at school, we'll greatly minimize our chances of a COVID case at school. Here's a link to our symptom check: https://c42096c6-2e4d-493d-bdff-126f872232dd.filesusr.com/ugd/4b8266_fb4006e5756b486680d8819f0d09d41f.pdf
C) Drop-offs and Pick-ups (which we now have SIX per day) are going pretty well. Two favors:
a) If you're in the 3:20p pick-up group and arrive before 3:20p, please find a parking spot so that we're not backing up traffic with our 3:10p pick-up group; and
b) For parents that have chosen to walk up to pick up their child(ren) at our black fence - please remember that we have to follow the state guidelines on this - adults need to be at least 6' apart from each other, and if for some reason you can't be, then we need to be wearing masks/shields. Thanks everyone! Mr. B