Thursday Flyer - April 8, 2021
Thursday Flyer 4.8.2021 COVID-19 Update Week of 4/19 or 4/26 will be the return to ‘5 day, full day for everyone’ at MMCA! Based on...
Thursday Flyer for March 25, 2021
Thursday Flyer 3.25.2021 NO SCHOOL 3/29 - 4/5 ENJOY SPRING BREAK! Back in session on Tuesday, 4/6! COVID-19 Update SEVERAL updates here:...
Thursday Flyer - March 18, 2021
Thursday Flyer 3.18.2021 Parent-Teacher Conference SIGN-UPS Extended until 11:00pm tonight! Sign up instructions HERE. (We heard from a...
Quick Tuesday 3/16 Flyer
Good morning MMCA Families, A quick 'Tuesday Morning Flyer' for you with a couple reminders / heads-ups: Spring P-T Conferences Reminder...
Thursday Flyer - March 11, 2021
Thursday Flyer 3.11.2021 COVID-19 Update Last week, I sent a very detailed ‘state of our school operations' during COVID letter. If you...
MMCA Spring P-T Conference Week Schedule and Conference Sign Up instructions
Good afternoon MMCA Families! Instructions for how to sign up for Spring 2021 Parent - Teacher Conferences are available HERE. Given this...
March 3, 2021 COVID-19 School Update
Good afternoon MMCA Families, No Thursday Flyer this week. Instead - 1) Here is a link to a current update regarding COVID-19 and school...
Thursday Flyer - February 25, 2021
Thursday Flyer 2.25.2021 COVID-19 Update Thankfully, there’s not much ‘new’ to report. Next week, I will be sending out a “where we’ve...
Thursday Flyer - February 18, 2021
Thursday Flyer 2.18.2021 Walking path from School to Church Parking Lot - sheep update! Heads up - The city put up their sheep fencing...
Thursday Flyer - February 11, 2021
Thursday Flyer 2.11.2021 NO SCHOOL FRIDAY, 2/12/21 and MONDAY, 2/15/21 (President’s Day Weekend); school resumes on TUESDAY, 2/16/21...