Thursday Flyer January 28, 2021
Thursday Flyer 1.28.2021 COVID-19 Update Based on the feedback I received over the last week, I recognize that my COVID-19 update last...

Thursday Flyer - January 21, 2021
Thursday Flyer 1.21.2021 COVID-19 Update Several changes since last week’s update. Vaccinations: At the end of last week, the Governor...

Thursday Flyer 1/14/21
Thursday Flyer 1.14.2021 NO SCHOOL MONDAY, 1/18/21 (M.L.K. Jr. Holiday) COVID-19 Update We received an update yesterday from the County...

Thursday Flyer January 7, 2021
Thursday Flyer 1.7.2021 WELCOME BACK! COVID-19 Update At least in terms of school operations, there's not much new to report. During the...